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Damon Runyon Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists

The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation is accepting applications to support previous Damon Runyon Fellows with additional funding to enable them to continue their pursuit of bold and innovative ideas. Damon Runyon Fellows are eligible to apply in the fourth year of their fellowship.  Currently, Damon Runyon Fellows selected in November 2014 and May 2015 are eligible to apply. Fellows who have terminated their awards early to accept an independent academic faculty position or other funding are eligible. Fellows who have moved to a position at a for-profit organization are not eligible. Fellows may apply once, at the deadline date that correlates with their award selection date. The award is $100,000 paid over one year and must be expended within two years of the initial award date. All awards will be made to the host institution for the support of the designated investigator. Indirect costs or institutional overhead are not allowed for this award.


Application Deadline: July 16, 2019


Click here to read the full application guidelines, including detailed eligibility requirements.